Riverdale Avenue Books has 4 internship positions available.
The office is in Riverdale in the Bronx. Each position comes with a desk and a computer, and the intern will get the most out of it ifs/he comes to the office once a week. This is a new expanding epublishing company, so there's also the possibility that I may hire someone as the company grows, so I would prefer someone who can get to the office. I have hired many of my interns in the past.
I taught journalism and editing at NYU, and have worked with their internship program, as well as two long distance college internships, so I can oversee this internship for college credit, if that works for the intern.
Assistant to the Publisher - all around assistant helping with writing blurbs, author bios, setting up blog tours and author interviews, presentations, panel discussions, reading and evaluating query letters.
Assistant to Editorial Director of Magnus Books - this is our LGBT imprint. Similar duties as above with more reading and evaluating.
P.R. Assistant - finding new outlets for news about our books and authors, overseeing the company blog, scheduling interviews and perhaps writing drafts of press releases. We do have a p.r. firm.
Social Media Intern - organizing the company's social media - twitter, facebook, Pinterest, Goodreads - and growing it.
Please contact lori@riverdaleavebooks.com

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